viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

For this post I choose an article from the section of opinion, I choose this one because that I found interesting the headline, “Male and female brains are the same, but people are all different – and that gives me hope” by Deborah Orr, maybe is not quite related to my area of study but I think that in education, mostly with kids in their first years, a teacher must to have an open mind in what concerns to build his own identity and this article talks about how the society teach us to build this identity from the other’s opinion.
In this article the author talks about new investigation about this area that concluded that even if our brains, male or female, are quite similar, is a social feature from humans to want to make a difference between genders, and even if we had the same react to an event, we need to distinguish and put a label, something like “this is a male feature” and “this is a female feature”.
Nevertheless, the investigation also talks about other curious fact: even when humans want to be unique, and make a difference from others, we don’t like to be alone in this “uniqueness”, always we are looking for someone else similar to us, and in the most of the cases we don’t do it consciously, for example we “choose” our friends based on similar experience we had in the past, etc.

All this ideas, and others more, the author related, I found interesting cause if we keep in mind the actual education in the word, we have to be more conscious about the effect that had in kids the opinions and prejudices that we made.
Here is the link:

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Dark Hunters's Saga

A few weeks ago I wrote about books, ‘cause I really love read, and at this moment I’m reading three books, one is a police novel, the second is a romantic novel, and the third is the last book from a saga called “Dark Hunters” by Sherrylin Kenyon, is the book number thirty five, and yeah, I read the other thirty four. This saga relate the story about warriors, mythical creatures and gods, that lives around us and we don´t know it (like vampires, daemons, gods from the Olympus, etc.), and how this “Dark Hunters” hunt the evil ones. Every book tell the story of one of the characters, and the saga is divided in four parts and every book in those parts help to the reader to connect the different story of his character with the story of one of them, in the first part is Aqueron, who appear in all saga, and the first part end with his book the number twenty three. Now I hope that the second part finish soon because I want to discover about whom it’s going to be the final one of this part.  Maybe sounds complicate when I try to resume about what it’s this saga, but I can say that I found it very interesting, had action fight, romance, suspense, car racing,  more action fight (even with dragons) and of course sexy greek warrior. I started to read this saga almost three years ago, because I found one in the library and I took it for one of my sister, and later it’s not just my sister and me, we also get into this saga to my other sister, and now she is the biggest fan of this author. In the actuality one of the character had his own saga apart, and other two had a manga and it’s suppose that the next year HBO that bought the rights it’s going to make  a series about the saga.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

What makes me happy?

In this time, I think that the things that make me happy are almost the same that when I was a little girl, simple things like read, a good meal, spend the time with the people that I care about, and some friends laugh because once I said that I was so happy ‘cause I take a shower with hot water (that was because I went to a summer camp and we only use cold water from a river). Maybe for someone this sounds silly, but nothing makes me most happy like have an ice cream in winter or eats french fries with my best friend. It’s a kind of tradition that we have since we meet (we meet while we eat a big hot dog and any of us can eat it like a normal person and we have our clothes full of mayonnaise). So, at least once a week we hang out to lunch and besides the meal, of course we spend the time talking about our life, or go to the cinema, or just hearing music with our cell phone.

Other thing that makes me happy and relax me it’s go out to walk, I can’t do it as often as I’d which, but any moment work, and even in the last month I take my kids with me and go to a hill near to our house and we makes a picnic (yeah, always thinking in food), play with a ball or kite, or just rest in the grass looking the clouds. 

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

The best present ever!

I remember when I was a child for my 10th birthday, that my family was in a bad situation - economically speaking- and I knew that my parents can’t made me the present that I was hoping, so when my mother said to me that we have to stop in the mall before we go to home I was thinking that maybe she would buy me the doll that I wanted, but no, we only stop to buy a soda at the supermarket. So, when we arrived at home and saw some of my friends in my house I remember that I think “what is happening? Did I forget a book or something like that in the school?” And the answer was inside; between my parents and my sisters they made me a surprise birthday party, it was a little one, but however the most important thing was the intention, I steel have part of the present that my father gave to me, it was a chocolate bar, only for me! (with my sister we always have to share everything) and now I use the wrapper like a bookmark. Maybe sounds silly, but for me was the biggest present that in those moment I received, and this don’t mean that I don’t like or care about the others presents, it´s just that my father never was a man that shows his emotion, and I remember that he cried because he wants to give me the birthday party that I never had.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Education in our days

Since a few years ago is more common to see, listen even talk about the problematic about education that we live in our country, however, this is not something that happen only in our country, it´s more like a change of way of thinking in the most of the people in the society. I think that there are some different reason that bring us to this point, and this reason could be political, economical, historical, etc., but the only thing that I think that have to matter to improve the education is in fact the educational reasons. I hear every day people talking about we have to fight to get a better education, or what the people in charge of education policy are doing wrong, and several of comments like that. So, I think that in the most of the cases they are right, but, what we can do about it? I think that this happen because we are good to criticize the system but the most of the time we do a little effort and when the people do something big, they are punished for that, and later they don’t want to do it again, and we resign with it, because at the end we think that this is better than nothing, and the circle started again. Maybe is a negative way to see it, but I think that how is our society, is so difficult to make a real change, and the possibilities that we have is resign with a poor solution or remain firm in what we believe that is possible, an quality education for every one and a good and fair payment for the people that do this hard work, teachers.

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

My addiction

      Hi every one, this time we have can write about anything that we want, so, I choose a something that I really like: Reading.
Since I was a child I have always liked to read, and this is common on my family, because my mother is that kind of people that wherever she goes, she always had a book in her hand (in the dentist waiting room, for a long trip on bus, etc.). So, you can imagine that one of the first present that I had memory is -yeah!- a book, and this don´t was any book, was "Harry Potter and the Philosopher´s Stone" (I have to say that I only was nine years old). Until that day I'm always looking for different books, the last year I read without stopping in all weekend the trilogy Millennium by Stieg Larson, and always when I really like a book, I can't stop until is finish, sometimes even I don't sleep and I telling to myself that it's just one more page and then I go to sleep, but deep inside of me I know that this don't going to happen. In the last few years I made the habits to read at least one book at week, sometimes I found that I already read a book, and if really like me the first time, I can read again, in others cases I'm reading two, three or even four books  at the same time, and then is when my mother take those away from me because I spend all the time reading and don´t do anything of my homework from the university. She in a few times said that my thing with reading is more like an addiction, and somehow I think that she´s rigth.